St Michael’s Church Dowdeswell and Andoversford

A Norman church stood on this site with its wonderful views over Cheltenham and the Severn Valley.  The original church, it seems, was burnt down and the present church erected on the old foundations.  Some ancient ‘graffiti’ on a window base in the north transept tells us that the steeple was built in 1577 and names the workmen including “Thomas Childe, Pson (Parson)”.  The steeple contains three bells including one dating from the 15th century.

St Michael’s now serves as the Parish Church for the villages of Dowdeswell and Andoversford.  Throughout the centuries it has stood as a Christian presence in the community; a place of prayer and worship, of service and hospitality.  This witness continues today with the Good News about Jesus Christ – his birth, life, death and resurrection –  being central to the work and worship of the church family.

Thank you for looking at contributing towards the cost of Christian ministry in our community.

Our parish is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) and we strongly urge you to use it for your giving. The PGS is an independent charity funded by the National Church and currently used by over 5000 parishes, churches and cathedrals across the country. As a giver you will benefit from a system that is secure, confidential and easy to use, and just as safe for us to receive, easing our administration burden. There are opportunities for you to add Gift Aid and cost of living increases to your payments and if you wish you can remain anonymous so that only PGS will know who you are.

Please look at the PGS website ( for full details, including how to set up payments and verify that they will be received by the parish of your choice.

Our treasurer Bryan Taylor  Telephone: 01242 820436
email:   will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.