Welcome to the Coln River Group of Parishes


“Knowing, and showing, the love of Christ in our communities”

As a church community in our villages we believe that through Jesus Christ, God welcomes everyone, so we try to do the same.

Like any church community, some of us have a lot of faith, some of us have little. However, we journey with each other, through good times and bad, as we live out our faith in these villages and communities.

You will see on these pages that we offer a wide range of styles and times of church service and activity, to which all are welcome, and that these are not just on Sundays.

We have a thriving Toddler Group at the Community Church in Andoversford; midweek ‘House Groups’ across the Benefice; groups for children and young people; bell ringing; a choir. We offer courses on exploring what Christianity is about – both for those who are sceptical, and those who are less so. We have good links with the two schools in the Benefice,  Withington C of E Primary School and Andoversford Primary School, and go in weekly to “Open the Book” during assembly time. We hold various social events, including curry evenings and pudding evenings.

We look forward to meeting you.
Do contact us if you would like to know more.

Our Benefice Safeguarding Officer is
Mrs Angela Leech
please contact 07773 967239 or email angela_leech39@hotmail.co.uk


What to do

Follow this link if you wish to read the parish safeguarding handbook

Follow this link if you wish to read the parish safeguarding handbook for adults

Follow this link to read the benefice Safeguarding Policy